440,00 € – 2.000,00 €
Hearts from € 410.00
High Hearts
A collection of heart shaped ex-shaped biscuit porcelain decorated with graphic and sculptural motifs. Letters, numbers and figures painted with a brush; small sculptures modeled by hand for contemporary messages written in the universal language. Every heart has its own rhythm, its heartbeat, its meaning between irony and divertissement.
This article is a unique piece modeled by hand with lands from Limoges, fired at 1260c°, some elements or details are decorated with a third firing in 24 Kt pure gold.
The images are indicative, small differences are part of the uniqueness of the workmanship.
h 24 x 17 cm
To know the complete collection
Creativity Oggetti
via Carlo Alberto 40/f Torino, Italy
t. +39 011 81 77 864
VAT 08256180012
Made with ♥︎ by Stilverso Full-Digital Agency
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