
Paolo Peroni

Paolo Peroni, born in 1984, lives and works in Turin where he has participated in collective and personal exhibitions.
At the center of his research is the metamorphic process, which often appears as the result of transformation of an unknown biological nature, suspended phases of interrupted or reversed organic developments. From his works: sculptures, objects and installations, the energy and internal charge of matter propagates, in some ways disturbing, which arises from an interest in the tangible dimension of things, in those unknown territories of the unconscious of environmental reality.
At Creativity Oggetti Paolo proposes a new cycle of works, sculpture vases in porcelain and stoneware.
“SCORZA” is inspired by the epidermis imagined not as a barrier but as a liminal zone in which we meet and contaminate.
The protuberances are traits of inquiring and changing gestures, ready to reshape themselves depending on the interlocutor.
Porcelain vases obtained with the casting technique, whose matrix is ​​the result of thermoforming a thermosensitive polymer plate.

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