Studio Elica – High Hearts

Pastore e Bovina – Studio Elica
“In Alto i Cuori” is part of a project born in 2009 that still continues.
A pop icon like the heart reinterpreted as a wall vase with anatomical connotations and with a strong Italian character.
Today there are 65 different versions, inspired by socio-cultural identity, from Ovid to Dante Alighieri to pop music, to that particular symbolism, typically Italian, which mixes high and low, sacred and profane.

A collection of heart-shaped biscuit porcelain ex-votos decorated with graphic and sculptural themes. Letters, numbers and figures painted with a brush; small sculptures modeled by hand for contemporary messages written in the universal language. Every heart has its own rhythm, its heartbeat, its meaning between irony and divertissement.

Porcelain of limoges, modeled and decorated by hand, therefore never identical.
Height 25 x 17 cm (approx.)

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