

Amaaro! is a laboratory for the design and creation of ceramic objects born in 2011 from the collaboration between Claudia and Martino, painter and architect. The dialogue between the two different creative languages ​​has given rise to a constantly evolving forge of ideas, which takes its cue from tradition and from the different languages ​​of visual communication. The ideas pass from the modeling to the plaster mould, from the mold to the composition and realization in earth which is fired and glazed. The non-academic training and the instinctive approach to the ceramic material allow free access to the tradition which translates into creative possibilities. The collections are conceived as thematic groups of objects on which the research and study work is concentrated; they are limited editions, numbered and cataloged from time to time. The objects conceived in this way are made entirely by hand in a laboratory created in an old farmhouse in the countryside of Reggio Emilia.

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