Mirta Morigi

Born in Faenza in 1973, Mirta Morigi opened her workshop in the courtyard of the historic Palazzo Barbavara, in the city centre. In these years of activity the Morigi workshop, structured in the manner of the Renaissance, has always been a high place of the “intelligence of the hands” and its ceramics have represented, accepting the lesson of its most illustrious guest, Sir Ernst Gombrich, always a happy synthesis between past and future, a case not of imitation, but of emulation of that of the ancient majolica makers. Her great attention and sensitivity for the culture of design has allowed her to make her manufacturing a crossroads of experiences and a forge of ever new and different ideas, a laboratory always open to the interdisciplinary contributions of architects, artists, designers, poets and musicians . The aptitude for critical reading of the project design and the ability to transform it into a finished product today makes it a European model of a new art workshop, an “aesthetic factory”, always proposing objects of high dignity and material and formal grace, but without ever renouncing its typical “lightness” and conceptual irony. A production that is continuously enriched through the study of new collections, affirming ceramics as a specific “vulgar and illustrious” language, a borderline genre between sophisticated tradition and moody, unscrupulous innovation.

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