

Nericata, an artist for more than twenty years, creates porcelain objects in the suggestive courtyard of the house where she lives, which treat nature in a unique key. Small birds that perch on the edge of slender coffee cups, immortalized in a moment’s break from their flight.
The warm white ceramics are made of feldspathic porcelain, the quality that gave rise to the famous Limoges production.
Create shapes with playful sensitivity and natural themes giving each one its own uniqueness.​
When we think of Caterina’s works we cannot help but think of her birds. Well the birds are born from a mistake, from a bowl that broke in his hands. Nericata did what the Japanese say: she livened up the object by placing a bird on it. The little bird with its weight is as if it had created a basin, it is as if it had made the error a natural consequence of its movement.
Now, he scrutinizes his works and each time looks for the right place to put them.
The lady of the birds never counted how many she shaped in her life. Pointed-tailed doves, open-tailed doves, plucked doves….

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